“I will do only those things that are both good for the relationship and good for us, whether or not they return my goodwill.”
Even if they are acting only emotionally or with indifferent reason, I will balance emotions and reason.
2. I will work at understanding.
Even if they misunderstand me, I will try to understand them.
3. I will work at good communication.
Even if they are not listening, I will listen to them and talk to them on matters that affect them.
4. I will be trustworthy.
Even if they are trying to lie to me or deceive me, I will be trustworthy.
5. I will use persuasion rather than bullying or force.
Even if they are trying to bully me or force me, I will be open to persuasion and try to persuade them.
6. I will work at acceptance.
Even if they reject me and my concerns as unworthy of their consideration, I will accept them as worthy of my consideration, care about them, and be open to learning from them.
Adapted by Tony Redfern; Prepared by Ron Claassen; Adapted from Getting Together: Building Relationships that Get to Yes, by Roger Fisher and Scott Brown.
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